By Asam Laksa

What Malaysia really need is not strong opposition, third force or to kick UMNO out of power. I am happy with however is in charge of the country as long as they promote and protect fundamental rights of the citizens. What Malaysia really needs is a strong conscience to uphold justice.
Firstly let me start by saying that I am viewing Zaid Ibrahim’s involvement in PKR from far away, literally. I like Zaid Ibrahim’s political persona. I think he makes a good administrator and planner. However I think he is out of his depth in frontline politicking.
I am not sad when Zaid lost the PKR elections, nor am I upset that he is leaving PKR. What I am disappointed about is that his time with PKR made him appear disillusioned and bitter. (Whether he feels such, I do not know as I never met him.) I mean, if want to leave, leavelah, no need to make some point or set some future date. It is so unlike him to participate in gutter politics. PKR is wasted on him.

Yes, I am speaking up for Zaid Ibrahim even though I have never met him because:
1. He appears as a man with integrity and principles; voicing out against ISA while in government and quitting as pledged (how many takde bola you seen from BN?),
2. He gets things done; he said he would get Pakatan Rakyat registered and he did so, and
3. He has good ideas; his opinions are clear, easy to grasp, makes sense and doesn’t pander to unsupported rhetoric.
Where I think he would do well is in policy making.

Now, I don’t think he’s such a fool in running for office in PKR. I think it’s something that needed to be done because of the way PKR and politics work. Position is power. Position is mandate. What Zaid lacks in PKR are these two. He can be the party’s thinker all he wants but without position he can’t fix the rot in PKR. He is again trying to work from within to fix things. Maybe the reason he joined PKR is to try to fix it. If Zaid joined DAP, he would have easily gotten a position, heck they may even make one for him.
Rot in PKR, I said? Yes, rot. I never trusted PKR because firstly it’s too UMNO-like from the start. Not to mention that I never liked its early loudmouth leaders (including one I later learned the name as Ezam and that rascal Zul). I also saw no strong agenda from the party during its Keadilan days; it’s more like a free Anwar party. Today it speaks of social justice and whatnot but I still don’t feel that PKR really believe it themselves.
With DAP you know what they stand for and their notable leaders are usually first in to spot injustice and quickly say so regardless of popularity. PAS is a bit slow because it takes longer to get consensus before they speak openly and often miss the window of opportunity to act. PKR... well... no consensus and no direction. I am not surprised to hear of complaints of PKR’s poor leadership.
What Malaysia really need is not strong opposition, third force or to kick UMNO out of power. I am happy with however is in charge of the country as long as they promote and protect fundamental rights of the citizens. What Malaysia really needs is a strong conscience to uphold justice.
Many moan about injustice in Malaysia yet they themselves perpetuate it. Even my closest family members do it. For example if you hate Ketuanan Melayu then you should also reject Chinese or any other racial chauvinism because supporting it would inflame the other. If you want Malays to succeed as a community, then you should reject the current NEP mentality that only enriches the few.
Malaysians need to wake up that it’s their own lack of understanding that is the heart of the problem. Political affiliations, politicians, political priorities and so on change all the time but what should remain unmoving is the conscience. So I empathise with RPK’s article “The End Can’t Justify the Means”. It’s not about winning but how I play in accordance with my conscience.
Lastly, to Zaid Ibrahim, pick yourself up, cleanse yourself of the negativity that you have recently undergone and stay the course, my good man.