I have presently written two articles on Anwar Ibrahim. Both were short ones unworthy of being generalised into something of universal importance. These are my personal takes. Hopefully Anwar supporters will notice that they are not in the genre of name-calling Anwar, hurling expletives at him. I write by reasoning out. You disagree but please do so by out -reasoning me.
A very long time ago ( in my blog-time) I wrote several articles about Anwar Ibrahim. I thought it’s sad that this government wants to finish off and take out a political opponent by discrediting him morally when the hands of the government are not that clean either. Theirs are dirtier even.
So I lamented the way a former DPM was treated. And I condemned the present leaders of UMNO who once grovelled at his knees and legs. The present two top leaders of UMNO were once his team mates in the Wawasan Team. Muhyiddin (DPM) even lent Anwar his over-sized Batik shirt.
Almost all UMNO division leaders were his, to use a common term, paper-fetching dogs. I got into quarrels with a blogger who likes to refer to Anwar as BABI, arguing that this term is unbecoming to be bestowed on a brother Muslim. I don’t like the “maki wa hamun” crowd either.
I am not interested at all in his personal sexual preferences and if his supporters care to read my previous articles — I said I couldn’t care less as long as it wasn’t my butt that got banged.
And I say, his supporters are careless and maybe stupid by inferring Anwar is a faggot by distinguishing between consensual or non-consensual. If its consensual it’s OK? Saiful is a stupid boy who changes his statement to say it’s not consensual. Consensual not consensual, do not matter anymore. Anwar’s supporters should insist he is NOT no matter its consensual or non consensual. You are saying — he is if it’s consensual. Not if non- consensual.
Stupid — that’s what the UMNO people want the world to know. So that they have the ammunition to blast Anwar as morally unfit to govern this country. Not clean- but what do the UMNO crowd care?
And I shall still say — that’s a stupid way for UMNO to do battle. You can’t battle Anwar and his ideas and his leadership qualities. That’s a terrible indictment on UMNO leadership’s hollowness if they continue using this strategy. Attacking Anwar for his moralities when UMNO’s hands are sullied and dirtied beyond redemption.
I am more interested to assess Anwar as a wily politician and his leadership credentials. Don’t drag our debate into a debate on smut. I have already said it — his forte as an orator is a good quality as a leader. I only ask people to weigh in what kind of leader they prefer. If like the commentator who couldn’t care less if Anwar buggers a pig — yes I understand his colorful meaning of the word , so be it.
Perhaps we can see Anwar’s disgust about those things that ails this government and its governance — corruption, cronyism, economic injustice, UMNO’s stupid policies will be dismantled and a New Dawn will usher in, but just because he said it, it does not mean it’s his monopoly. I have no problem with those. They are our shared ideals. —
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