Saturday, November 20, 2010


By Asam Laksa

What Malaysia really need is not strong opposition, third force or to kick UMNO out of power. I am happy with however is in charge of the country as long as they promote and protect fundamental rights of the citizens. What Malaysia really needs is a strong conscience to uphold justice.

Firstly let me start by saying that I am viewing Zaid Ibrahim’s involvement in PKR from far away, literally. I like Zaid Ibrahim’s political persona. I think he makes a good administrator and planner. However I think he is out of his depth in frontline politicking.

I am not sad when Zaid lost the PKR elections, nor am I upset that he is leaving PKR. What I am disappointed about is that his time with PKR made him appear disillusioned and bitter. (Whether he feels such, I do not know as I never met him.) I mean, if want to leave, leavelah, no need to make some point or set some future date. It is so unlike him to participate in gutter politics. PKR is wasted on him.

Yes, I am speaking up for Zaid Ibrahim even though I have never met him because:
1. He appears as a man with integrity and principles; voicing out against ISA while in government and quitting as pledged (how many takde bola you seen from BN?),
2. He gets things done; he said he would get Pakatan Rakyat registered and he did so, and
3. He has good ideas; his opinions are clear, easy to grasp, makes sense and doesn’t pander to unsupported rhetoric.

Where I think he would do well is in policy making.

Now, I don’t think he’s such a fool in running for office in PKR. I think it’s something that needed to be done because of the way PKR and politics work. Position is power. Position is mandate. What Zaid lacks in PKR are these two. He can be the party’s thinker all he wants but without position he can’t fix the rot in PKR. He is again trying to work from within to fix things. Maybe the reason he joined PKR is to try to fix it. If Zaid joined DAP, he would have easily gotten a position, heck they may even make one for him.

Rot in PKR, I said? Yes, rot. I never trusted PKR because firstly it’s too UMNO-like from the start. Not to mention that I never liked its early loudmouth leaders (including one I later learned the name as Ezam and that rascal Zul). I also saw no strong agenda from the party during its Keadilan days; it’s more like a free Anwar party. Today it speaks of social justice and whatnot but I still don’t feel that PKR really believe it themselves.

With DAP you know what they stand for and their notable leaders are usually first in to spot injustice and quickly say so regardless of popularity. PAS is a bit slow because it takes longer to get consensus before they speak openly and often miss the window of opportunity to act. PKR... well... no consensus and no direction. I am not surprised to hear of complaints of PKR’s poor leadership.

What Malaysia really need is not strong opposition, third force or to kick UMNO out of power. I am happy with however is in charge of the country as long as they promote and protect fundamental rights of the citizens. What Malaysia really needs is a strong conscience to uphold justice.

Many moan about injustice in Malaysia yet they themselves perpetuate it. Even my closest family members do it. For example if you hate Ketuanan Melayu then you should also reject Chinese or any other racial chauvinism because supporting it would inflame the other. If you want Malays to succeed as a community, then you should reject the current NEP mentality that only enriches the few.

Malaysians need to wake up that it’s their own lack of understanding that is the heart of the problem. Political affiliations, politicians, political priorities and so on change all the time but what should remain unmoving is the conscience. So I empathise with RPK’s article “The End Can’t Justify the Means”. It’s not about winning but how I play in accordance with my conscience.

Lastly, to Zaid Ibrahim, pick yourself up, cleanse yourself of the negativity that you have recently undergone and stay the course, my good man.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Debating on Brother Anwar Bin Ibrahim


I have presently written two articles on Anwar Ibrahim. Both were short ones unworthy of being generalised into something of universal importance. These are my personal takes. Hopefully Anwar supporters will notice that they are not in the genre of name-calling Anwar, hurling expletives at him. I write by reasoning out. You disagree but please do so by out -reasoning me.

A very long time ago ( in my blog-time) I wrote several articles about Anwar Ibrahim. I thought it’s sad that this government wants to finish off and take out a political opponent by discrediting him morally when the hands of the government are not that clean either. Theirs are dirtier even.

So I lamented the way a former DPM was treated. And I condemned the present leaders of UMNO who once grovelled at his knees and legs. The present two top leaders of UMNO were once his team mates in the Wawasan Team. Muhyiddin (DPM) even lent Anwar his over-sized Batik shirt.

Almost all UMNO division leaders were his, to use a common term, paper-fetching dogs. I got into quarrels with a blogger who likes to refer to Anwar as BABI, arguing that this term is unbecoming to be bestowed on a brother Muslim. I don’t like the “maki wa hamun” crowd either.

I am not interested at all in his personal sexual preferences and if his supporters care to read my previous articles — I said I couldn’t care less as long as it wasn’t my butt that got banged.

And I say, his supporters are careless and maybe stupid by inferring Anwar is a faggot by distinguishing between consensual or non-consensual. If its consensual it’s OK? Saiful is a stupid boy who changes his statement to say it’s not consensual. Consensual not consensual, do not matter anymore. Anwar’s supporters should insist he is NOT no matter its consensual or non consensual. You are saying — he is if it’s consensual. Not if non- consensual.

Stupid — that’s what the UMNO people want the world to know. So that they have the ammunition to blast Anwar as morally unfit to govern this country. Not clean- but what do the UMNO crowd care?
And I shall still say — that’s a stupid way for UMNO to do battle. You can’t battle Anwar and his ideas and his leadership qualities. That’s a terrible indictment on UMNO leadership’s hollowness if they continue using this strategy. Attacking Anwar for his moralities when UMNO’s hands are sullied and dirtied beyond redemption.

I am more interested to assess Anwar as a wily politician and his leadership credentials. Don’t drag our debate into a debate on smut. I have already said it — his forte as an orator is a good quality as a leader. I only ask people to weigh in what kind of leader they prefer. If like the commentator who couldn’t care less if Anwar buggers a pig — yes I understand his colorful meaning of the word , so be it.

Perhaps we can see Anwar’s disgust about those things that ails this government and its governance — corruption, cronyism, economic injustice, UMNO’s stupid policies will be dismantled and a New Dawn will usher in, but just because he said it, it does not mean it’s his monopoly. I have no problem with those. They are our shared ideals. —

Monday, July 19, 2010



The word “corruption” comes from a Latin word meaning “to break” or “to destroy”. Corruption is a cancer that steals from the poor, eats away at governance and moral fibre, and destroys trust. Although corruption exists in both the private and public sector, the corruption of the public sector is a more fundamental evil. This is because the public sector is the enforcer and arbiter of the rules that hold us together, the custodians of our common resources.

Corruption is the abuse of public office for personal gain.

• Corruption exacts a huge toll on our economy

o In a survey of more than 150 high ranking public officials and top citizens from over 60 developing nations, these officials ranked corruption as the biggest obstacle to development and growth in their countries.

o Corruption empties out the public purse, causes massive misallocation of resources, dampens trade and scares away investors

o The World Bank estimates that corruption can reduce a country’s growth rate by 0.5 to 1 percentage points per year. Where there is a lack of transparency and a weak court system, investors stay away.

o Corruption is a form of theft. But it is a form of theft that also damages what is not stolen. This is because corruption involves the capture of decisions involving public funds. Corrupt decisions mis-allocate public resources and cause tremendous waste in the expenditure of public money. Public money is poured down the drain when projects are selected not because of the value they deliver to the public but because of what can be skimmed from them.

• But corruption is more than an economic cost. It is a curse that attacks the root of the tree. Corruption destroys trust, which is nothing less than the glue holding a society and its institutions together. When it becomes rampant and is conducted with impunity, it also demoralizes even those public servants not involved in it. The common people’s experience with government breeds the expectation that they need to pay before things will move. Small businesses suffer as city hall officials come on their rounds to collect mandatory “donations.”

It is time we recognized corruption as the single biggest threat to our nation. In our economy, corruption is the root of our inability to to make the economic leap that we know we are capable of. There is no other reason why a country so blessed with natural resources, a favourable climate and such immense talent should not have done a lot better than we have.

In our political system, corruption is the real reason why our political parties refuse to reform. In the party I belong to it has debased a once noble nationalism and a concern with the welfare of marginalised people into a rush for the gravy train. The economic development we must bring our people is reduced to nothing more than patronage, and patronage is inflated into a right.

The root cause is in our political parties. It is an open secret that tender inflation is standard operating procedure. Within the parties and among politicians, it is already an understood matter that party followers must be ‘fed’. Politics is an expensive business, after all. Where else are we to get the funds? Thus theft of public goods is normalised and socialised among an entire community, and what we had planned to attain by capability is seen by some as something to be attained through politics.

Politicians are the villains in this piece, but they themselves the villains but they themselves are also trapped. The leadership is trapped because they are beholden to political followers who demand that they are looked after. They demand patronage, and the turn the party’s struggle for the welfare of a community into their sense of entitlement to that patronage. So they take their slice of the project. By the time they they and each person down the line all the way down to the contractor takes a lot and there is not enough left to do a decent job, bridges collapse, highways crack, stadiums collapse, hospitals run out of medicine, schoolchildren are cheated in their textbooks. Corruption may look to its perpetrators like a crime without victims, but it leaves a trail of destruction.

No domain seems safe. The humble school canteen is the domain of Umno branch chiefs. The golf course become a favoured way to pass the cash over. We can place bets for RM5000 a hole. For some reason one party keeps losing. And there are 18 holes. Money thus obtained is legal. It can be banked.

We spend billions on the refurbishment of defence equipment; on fighter jets, frigates and submarines. Whe a supplier lays on an exorbitant commission to some shadowy middleman, that commision is built into the price the government pays. That money comes from the ordinary Malaysian.

Military toys are very expensive. I remember from my time in the Ministry of Finance. Even then, patrol craft cost about RM280mil each.

We loved Exocet missiles. As Minister, I had to sign each time the military fired an Exocet missile for testing. Every time we test fired one of them, RM2mil literally went out with a bang. When the UK went to war against Argentina, the UK Government came back to borrow them from us because outside of the UK we had the most of them in the world. We must have been under some extraordinary military threat which I did not understand.

The list is long: procurement of food and clothing for the military, medicine for hospitals and so on. In all these things the Government has been extraordinarily generous. And paid extraordinarily high prices.

Government servants have to face pressure from politicians who expect to be given these contracts because they need money for politics. This corruption is justified because the party’s struggle is sacred. The civil servants can either join the game or be bypassed.

For every government job big or small that goes down, someone feels entitled to a slice of the pie, not because they can do the job, not because they have some special talent or service to offer, but because it is their right. They do not realise that what they demand is the abuse of power for the sake of personal gain, or party gain. They elect those leaders among themselves who are most capable of playing this game. So we get as our leaders people who have distinguished themselves not by their ability to serve the public but at their long proven ability to be party warlords, which is to say, distributors of patronage. And that is a euphemistic way of saying that because of corruption the old, stupid and the criminal are elevated to positions of power while young, talented and honest individuals are frozen out. Corruption destroys national wealth, erodes institutions and undermines character. And it also destroys the process by which a community finds its leaders.

The consequence of this is that the majority are marginalized. Government contracts circulate among a small group of people. Despite all attempts at control and brainwashing, the majority soon catch up to the game.

This game cannot last forever. The longer it is played the more people hate the government and the governing class. They vote against the government, not for the Opposition. They resent the government of the day. In 2008 we saw how the Malaysian people feel about the abuse of power and incompetence caused by corruption.

Since party funding has become the excuse and the vehicle for wholesale corruption, any measure we take to fight it must include the reform of political funding.

It is time we enact a law regulating donations to political parties. Donations must be capped. No donor is to give more than a specified limit, on pain of prosecution. This it to try to prevent special interests from dominating parties. Such money is source of corruption.

Let us limit political donations by law. On top that let the government set up a fund to provide funding to registered political party for their legitimate operational needs. This money can be distributed based on objective criteria and governed by an independent panel. This would close off the excuse that the parties need to raise political funding through government contracts.

Another idea is that we should freeze the bank accounts of people who are being investigated for corruption. Public servants and politicians are by law required to be able to demonstrate the sources of their assets. Those with suspiciously ample asssets should have these assets frozen until they can come up with evidence that they have accumulated them by political means.

This may sound harsh, but only because we live in a country in which almost no one ever gets nabbed for corruption. In China, those found guilty are shot.

In Malaysia we read about MACC investigating this and that but there are no convictions. No one has been punished. We are the nation with no consequences. The MACC finds no fault. The courts do not convict. And our newspapers do not have the independence and vigour to follow up.

We have an MACC with no results. It was a good idea to model our anti-corruption agency after one of the most successful in the world, Hong Kong’s ICAC. However we have taken just bits and pieces of that model. So really this will be no more than PR exercise unless we adopt the model wholesale.

We should repeal the OSA so that people can go to the MACC and the authorities with documentary information on corrupt practice. As things stand, any document which might be incriminating to corrupt public officials is stamped an Offical Secret. A whistleblower risks 7 yrs jail for being in possession of such documents.

We need to identify rot eating through our roots as a nation. It is corruption. We cannot expect the corrupt to embrace reform. It is time for our citizens to stand up and call corruption by its name, and demand reform.

Tengku Razaleigh

Speech at the launching of the book The Shafee Yahaya Story – Estate Boy to ACA Chief by Datin Kalsom Taib

Saturday, 19.6.2010

Kelab Golf Perkhidmatan Awam Malaysia, Bukit Kiara, Kala Lumpur

Monday, July 5, 2010


Bilakah Pru13 sepatutnya diadakan tidak sepatutnya menjadi bebanan kepada fikiran pucuk pimpinan negara. Mandat 5tahun yang diberikan oleh Rakyat hendaklah digunakan sepenuhnya oleh kerajaan yang memerintah.

Walau bagaimanapun berdasarkan alasan orang kebanyakan ianya bolehlah dibuat seperti berikut:

Pilihanraya Umum ke-13 hendaklah diadakan pada tahun 2013 setelah mandat berakhir pada February 2013. Ini mengambil kira bahawa kerajaan BN yang memerintah sekarang akan kalah.

PRU-13 hendaklah diadakan pada February 2013 sehingga hari terakhir tempuh 5 tahun kerajaan BN. Ini adalah dengan mengambil kira Kerajaan BN menang dan mendapat mandat daripada Rakyat untuk memerintah selama 5 tahun lagi sehingga 2018.

PRU-13 hendaklah diadakan sehingga hari terakhir tempuh 5 tahun mandat yang diberikan oleh Rakyat. Ini adalah dengan mengambil kira JIKA PRU-13 diadakan pada Disember 2010 atau pada August 2011 maka Kerajaan BN akan tumbang.

PRU-13 hendaklah diadakan sehingga hari terakhir tempuh 5 tahun mandat yang telah diberikan oleh Rakyat. Ini adalah dengan mengambil kira jika PRU-13 diadakan awal Rakyat memberikan mandat kepada Kerajaan BN untuk memerintah lagi.

Maka kesimpulannya samada kerajaan hari ini telah dapat meningkatkan popularitinya dikalangan Rakyat ianya hendaklah digunakan sebagai tabungan untuk terus mengumpul sokongan supaya apabila PRU-13 diadakan momentumnya menjadi penyumbang yang paling berkesan.

Kerajaan BN hari ini janganlah terpengaruh dengan idea kosong supaya PRU-13 diadakan dengan awal walaupun apa sahaja alasan kosong yang diberikan.

Untuk kesejahteraan Rakyat dan juga untuk jaminan Kerajaan BN untuk terus memerintah dimasa hadapan maka kerajaan hendaklah mengunakan tempuh mandat pemerintahan dengan sepenuhnya sehingga February 2013.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Cabinet Reshuffle Imminent?


By Syed Akbar Ali

Well thats what Blogs are for too. Just heard from an informed friend that a Cabinet reshuffle is imminent. Nothing to shout about though. Rais Yatim may be replacing Anifah Aman (who has been indisposed) at Wisma Putra. Ahmad Maslan may be replacing Rais Yatim as Minister of Information.

G Palanivel who lost Ulu Selangor will be getting into Cabinet while P Kamalanathan who won back Ulu Selangor will not be getting anything.

Slumberjack's SIL wont be making it into the Cabinet - thus staying any revolt in UMNO (for the time being).

What the Prime Minister must have full confidence in is that he is now in a very strong position vis a vis nearly all the components of the BN, including UMNO. This is a window that is still open to him. He can hire and fire almost at will. No one is now strong enough to do any damage or lead any serious revolt if for example they are left out of the Cabinet. Or if they are dropped from the Cabinet.

Firstly since P Kamalanathan has won, it would be nice to see a fresh new face in Cabinet. It will be a harbinger of change not just in the MIC but in the other components of the BN.

The coming Cabinet reshuffle (I really hope its really coming really this time) must not only see a breath of fresh air blowing in but much more importantly it must see the exit of dinosaurs and fossils from not just the Cabinet but from our political landscape.

Lets start with the other components of the BN. The Samys, Palanis etc have to go - permanently. Lets move on in life. Lets get new faces and new blood into Cabinet. Those who suffer constipation, adult pampers, hair implants etc please make way lah.

The same with MCA and Gerakan. It is getting really, really boring to hear the same Tsus the Chuas, Choys, Ongs and whoever else (for the past 20 years). Let us move on. We are really getting tired. Takde orang lain ke?

Coming to UMNO a simple rule would be, if you have been in Cabinet or in power since the 80s and you are over 60 (65 pun boleh) then adios. Thank you for the long years of service but it is time to go. Lets get more new faces.

Personally I feel that Tun Dr Mahathir can be our PM anytime. He is good for many more years. But it just wouldnt be right. A country needs to move on. We need new blood. Dr Mahathir knew it too. He retired gracefully, seven years now. But most of his sebaya are still hanging on.

That man in Sarawak has to go. He is opting for the biological functions approach. As long as I am biologically functioning, I shall remain. Tak boleh. We really need change. And there are good people who are also popular - including in Sarawak.

So this Cabinet reshuffle must be exemplary not just in who gets into Cabinet but who gets left out. The PM must really use a strong butcher's knife to chop off the fat.

Then there is also another category - the non performers, the underperformers, the corrupt, the tainted and the clowns. These too have to be removed and this includes even some younger Ministers, especially those who were appointed during the time of Slumberjack. Let us be rid of them. This especially applies to the tainted Ministers.

I see at least half the Cabinet needing to be dropped. How to replace them? We can get really creative. Many of the Bloggers have their own lists.

The ball is really at the PM's feet. He is in a very strong position now vis a vis his Cabinet colleagues. He must be decisive now. But the PM must realise that his strength is derived from the people. This is a fact of life for any PM. The last PM just slept through this tiny little detail.

We really, really need change. Waking up to see the same old fossils on the TV screens and on our front pages of the morning newspapers even for another day is quite unpalatable. Its getting really nauseous.

It is not any consolation at all but on the other side, the fossils are even more ridiculously 'extinct dinosaurs' like Lim Kit Siang (43 years in power now? Longer than Mao Tse Tung), Karpal Singh, Nik Aziz, Hadi Awang, Anwar Ibrahim and a few more.

As the young man said, when they fill petrol in their tanks, the petrol probably comes from their own pet dinosaurs.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Lessons And Pointers From Hulu Selangor


THERE was no single factor that determined the outcome of the April 25 Hulu Selangor parliamentary by-election. It was the combination of many.

So let us go through some statistics and established facts to understand what had happened.

For all the resources and tactics employed by both sides, the result was not spectacular. The seat went back to the Barisan Nasional, but the majority it received was nothing to shout about.

Yes, a victory is a victory. But with a mere difference of 3.57 per cent in the popular votes -- 51.78 per cent for BN and 48.21 per cent for PKR – Hulu Selangor remains a marginal seat.

The BN might have recovered sufficiently from the March 8, 2008 general elections debacle to wrest the seat from the PKR, which stole it with an even smaller majority – 198 votes, but the margin was still too narrow to suggest that the grand old coalition has return to its former glory.

Simply put, while the PKR lost the seat at the time when it needed the victory the most, the BN is yet to recover its former strength.

Price of Over-Confidence

In fact, had the PKR put up a strong local candidate, the outcome could have been different. But its over-confidence and miscalculation was a blessing for the BN.

Clearly, when deciding on which candidate to choose, the voters decided to take chances with an untainted BN novice over the PKR’s better-known former BN minister.

It could be said that the PKR made a serious tactical oversight. Having suffered a series of resignations by its elected representatives, some of whom were former Umno leaders, choosing a recently defected Umno minister as its candidate could not be considered a coherent decision.

But did the PKR really have a choice? Mohd Zaid Ibrahim was an important catch for the PKR. He was a former Minister, a confidant of the former Prime Minister, Abdullah Ahmad Badawi and above he’s seen as the future hope of the Pakatan Rakyat.

He’s the pro-tem chairman of the PR organising committee and is leading the formal registration of the opposition alliance.

Above all, he enjoy the confidence of the DAP. This is important because the DAP is the leading party of the Pakatan.
Mohd Zaid may even enjoy wider acceptable of Pas leaders after he openly declared his "taubat” (repentance) for his past sins.

He declared the “taubat” in response to allegations that he was a drinker and a gambler. He admitted to drinking and acknowledged that he owns several successful racehorses.

The Victory of A Dark Horse

Kamalanathan was a dark horse. The odds were stacked against him. He was never anybody’s the first choice.

To begin with, there was a strong clamour by Umno and the local Malays, who make up almost 54 per cent of registered electors, for the seat to be returned to Umno. Hulu Selangor used to be an Umno seat.

He comes from the MIC, a junior partner of the BN, and most importantly, he was not the preferred choice of his party.

The MIC leadership wanted the deputy president and the vanquished BN 2008 candidate, G. Palanivel, but was not agreed to by the BN leadership after being sufficiently convinced that Palanivel was going to be hard to sell.

His closeness to party president, S Samy Vellu, was seen as a liability and his service record as MP was questioned.

Kamalanathan, a public relations officer with a Bernas company, and hailed from nearby Rawang, proved be a good choice. His command of the Malay language is superb and his personality is pleasant.

Accordingly, a sufficient number of Malay and Indian voters who sided with the PKR in the 2008 general elections, mostly for the dislike of Palanivel, returned to the BN’s fold, but the majority of Chinese voters remained locked to the opposition via the DAP.

This proved once again that the Malays and Indian voters were more malleable while the Chinese were single-minded in their rejection of the BN.

The BN Chinese Parties Are Weak

The Chinese-based BN parties -- the MCA and Gerakan –are clearly a poor second fiddle to the DAP. The recent changes in the MCA have clearly affected the readiness of the party’s local machinery.

More pictures of the defeated former president, Ong Tee Keat, were on display while his successor, Dr Chua Soi Lek, looked awkward during the campaigning. He has a lot of catching up to do.

The voting pattern of the Chinese merits deeper scrutiny as on-the-spot financial grants and promises of development for their communities did not translate into votes for the BN.

It may even suggest that the Chinese are yet to be convinced by Prime Minister Mohd Najib Abdul Razak’s 1Malaysia and his economic packages announced so far.

Also it’s not yet the time to shout about the acceptance of 1Malaysia when a whopping 48-per cent of the voters did side with the BN.

Clearly too, the Malays and Indians are more closely tied to the government due partly to their inferior economic status compared to the Chinese.

Perhaps future policy and programmes to uplift the standard of living of the people should be targeted towards the Bumiputeras and the minority Indians since the Chinese, via their voting pattern, had sent a strong signal to the BN that they are not in dire need of the government.

In any case, members of the Chinese mercantile community will be able to fend for themselves and will continue to be in the position to suck up the bulk of government expenditure through their extensive control of the supply chain.

Finally, the future is not about parties and policies alone. The choice of candidates could prove to be the linchpin. The people have had enough of the same tired old faces and the “recycled” politicians.

Neither the BN nor the PR can claim to be in tune with time if at the next general election, they do not spice up their line-up with at least 30 to 40 per cent new faces.

Kamalanathan’s victory over Mohd Zaid clearly shows that the majority of the people want clean, untainted and unburdened leaders. For the BN voters, especially the majority Malays, race comes second.

Monday, April 26, 2010

UMNO-BN retakes Hulu Selangor


To Zaid Ibrahim:

All decent souls share your sadness and disappointment and we thank you for taking up the battle on our behalf. It was indeed a magnificent fight you put up and we continue to steadfastly back you up in all your political endeavors.
–Antares, Shaman in Chief, Magick River, Pertak, Hulu Selangor

PKR’s Zaid Ibrahim loses to P. Kamalnathan of UMNO-BN after a great showing. He said, “We lost because of votes that were bought. We faced Machiavellian politics. I accept my defeat. In any contest, there must be one who is defeated”.

All is not lost. “This is not the first time that we lost. This defeat will not dishearten us. PKR had once lost so much that we were left with one seat. We will continue to fight,” said Tian Chua, PKR Strategy Chief. Never give up. PKR must conduct a post mortem and plan ahead. –Din Merican

YB Kamalanathan, don't forget Ijok ...
Sunday, April 25, 2010

Barisan Nasional takes back Hulu Selangor. P. Kamalanathan's star is burning bright tonight. The new kid on the block has just slaughtered a big-wig of Pakatan Rakyat at the Hulu Selangor by-election. The "future" of MIC-Barisan has beaten the "future" of PKR-Pakatan.

Congrats, Kamal!

But do remember Ijok, YB. Almost exactly 3 years ago (28 April, 2007 to be exact), another political kiddo MIC's K. Parthiban defeated big name Khalid Ibrahim of PKR at the Ijok by-election in Selangor. Much like your win against Zaid Ibrahim tonight. Less than a year later at the 12th General Election of March 2008, what happened? The whole state fell to Pakatan, Cikgu Parthiban went into oblivion, and Khalid became the chief minister of Selangor.

Moral of the story, YB? Don't get drunk on the glory of victory. The people have put you there to serve them, so be a workhorse and do a good job, or the next stop may be political oblivion for you.

We'll be watching closely now.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Langsung Hari Pengundian Prk Hulu Selangor

Hazayani Zakaria, Dzulfikar Mashoor, Syukri Mohamad
6.00 pm : Peratus keseluruhan keluar mengundi adalah 75.87 peratus iaitu seramai 48,935 pengundi.

Proses pengiraan undi bermula.

5.00 pm : Proses pengundian tamat. Semua pusat pembuangan undi ditutup.

4.30 pm : Ketua petugas Pakatan Rakyat di Sek Ren. JK (C) Khing Ming membahagikan petugas kepada 5 kumpulan.

Mereka masing-masing ditugaskan menjaga pintu masuk ke pusat mengundi bagi mengelakkan sebarang penipuan berlaku di saat-saat akhir waktu pengundian.

4.20 pm : Sehingga jam 4 petang, 73.82 peratus atau 47,615 sudah selesai menunaikan tanggungjawab keluar mengundi.

4.15 pm : Jam terakhir waktu pengundian, beberapa pengundi kaum Cina dilihat masuk ke tempat pengundian di Sek Ren. JK (C) Khing Ming

4.00 pm : Di Sek Ren. JK (C) Khing Ming, FRU menyekat laluan utama masuk ke tempat mengundi namun dibantah petugas PKR.

FRU kemudiaanya membuka kembali laluan.

3.40 pm : Ahli Majlis Pimpinan Pusat PKR, Badrul Hisham Shahrin ditahan selepas membuat laporan polis bahawa beliau diserang dengan parang oleh penyokong BN.

Kini masih di balai polis serendah.

Beliau tengah hari tadi diserang dengan sebilah parang selepas beliau melawat pusat pengundian di Felda Sungai Buaya.

Kejadian berlaku sekitar pukul 12.30 tengahari selepas beliau dan beberapa petugas keluar dari pusat pengundian di tempat tersebut.

3.30 pm : Lagi SMS kemenangan kepada Zaid tersebar. Kini maklumat yang didakwa diperoleh dari risikan tentera.

SMS itu mendakwa Zaid akan terus mendahului Kamalanathan sekiranya tren keluar mengundi perlahan atau normal sehingga jam 5 petang.

SMS itu juga mendakwa Zaid mungkin mendapat majoriti 3,725 undi dengan pecahan undi Melayu 55 peratus, Cina 75 Peratus dan India 60 Peratus.

Kebanyakan undi yang diperolehi Zaid dakwa SMS itu adalah dari peneroka selepas MB Selangor semalam mengumumkan Zaid mengetuai Task force menyelesaikan isu hak milik tanah.

Bagaimanapun belum ada pihak yang berani mengesahkan perkara tersebut.

3.25 pm : Peratus keluar mengundi hingga jam 3 petang adalah 67.18 peratus bersamaan 43,333 pengundi.

3.00 pm : Seorang budak Iskandar Hanafiah, 12 tahun mengaku dibayar RM2 untuk membawa bendera BN dengan basikal bersama rakan-rakannya.

"Umno bagi RM2 sahaja, yang lain Umno dia masih belum bayar lagi," katanya kepada wartawan Harakahdaily.

2.45 pm : Di Sek. Keb Taman Bunga Raya (1), keadaan pengundi yang datang mula lengang kembali.

Penyelia pusat mengundi, Hamidah Nipah berkata di sini saluran 2 mencatat bilangan pengundi paling tinggi iaitu 263 dari keseluhan jumlah pengundi 940.

2.35 pm : Peratus keluar mengundi sehingga jam 2 petang adalah 63.74 peratus iaitu 41,112 pengundi.

1.45 pm : Sekali lagi pergaduhan hampir berlaku antara sukarelawan India dari Pakatan Rakyat dengan petugas India BN ekoran berebut memberi perkhidmatan kepada para pengundi India di SJK (T) Sungai Choh.

1.40 pm : Di Pusat Pembuangan undi SJK (T) Sungai Choh, Taman Bukit Teratai- Panyokong Pakatan semakin ramai menjelang sesi pengundian sebelah petang.

Sukarelawan PKR yang bertugas dibarong panas meluahkan rasa yakin, Zaid mendahului melihat kepada sambutan pengundi yang datang ke barong PKR sejak pagi tadi berbanding barong BN.

Dari 1,410 pengundi berdaftar di sini, kurang 100 pengundi sahaja lagi yang belum menunaikan tanggungjawab.

1.30 pm : Peratus keluar mengundi adalah 56.82 peratus atau 36,650 pengundi.

1.00 pm : Kekecohan berlaku, kini di Sek. Keb. Sg. Rasa. Bermula apabila penyokong BN merentap bendera Keadilan selepas tidak berpuas hati dengan sorakan penyokong Pakatan Rakyat.

Pergaduhan kecil juga berlaku, namun suasana bagaimanapun kembali tenang selepas dileraikan pihak polis.

12.50 pm : Norasyikin Zakaria, 35, antara pengundi terawal pagi tadi memaklumkan berlaku kekecohan di tempat beliau mengundi di Sek Keb Bandar Baru Batang Kali, selepas seorang pengundi sebelumnya tidak berpuas hati kerana namanya hilang dari buku daftar pemilih.

Dalam semakan online sebelum itu, pengundi itu mendakwa namanya ada ada dalam daftar pemilih.

Dia kemudian berang, apabila aduannya didakwa tidak dilayan petugas SPR.

12. 20 pm : Ketua AKM Selangor, Khairul Anuar Bin Ahmad Zainuddin ketika mengulas peratus sedikit keluar mengundi sebelah pagi berkata "Ini mungkin protes senyap orang Melayu kepada Kamalanathan (calon BN)".

12.00 pm : Penyokong BN mula mempamer aksi lucah kepada penyokong PR di Sek. Men. Ampang Pecah. Mereka saling berbalas sorakan. Keadaan masih terkawal.

11.55 am : Suasana sekali lagi tegang di Sek. Keb. Bandar Baru Batang Kali. Kedua-dua penyokong saling berbalas sorakan.

Pergaduhan hampir tercetus ekoran jarak kedua-dua penyokong hanya sebelah menyebelah.

11. 30 am : Pelbagai spekulasi mula tersebar melalui khidmat pesanan ringkas SMS mendakwa PKR bakal menang besar.

Ada yang mendakwa PKR akan menang besar berdasarkan maklumat briged Welsh, pemimpin Umno didakwa sudah beransur ansur meninggalkan Hulu Selangor.

Manakala ada juga SMS mengatakan PKR akan tewas jika hanya 60 peratus sahaja pengundi keluar mengundi. Namun jika Peratus keluar mengundi lebih 61 peratus, PKR dijangka menang besar.

11.25 am : SPR memaklumkan Peratus keluar mengundi sehingga jam 11 pagi tadi adalah 24,645 iaitu 38.21 peratus.

11.20 am : Di Sek. Keb. Ulu Yam Baru- Pemuda BN dilihat mendominasi keadaan. Gelagat sorakan mereka hanya diperhatikan penyokong Pakatan rakyat

11.15 am: Sukarelawan PKR, Maznah Abdul Aziz, 59 mendakwa seramai empat pengundi kaum Tionghua di Sek. Keb. Batang kali Baru terkejut apabila dimaklumkan SPR bahawa nama mereka masing-masing telah dipindahkan ke Parlimen Kepong.

11.10 am : Datuk Zaid Ibrahim tiba di Sek. Keb. Bandar Baru Batang Kali. Beliau bagaimanapun hanya meninjau dari kenderaan yang dinaikinya akibat jalan terlalu sesak.

Beliau bagaimanapun sempat bertanya khabar pengundi yang datang membuang undi dan bersalam dengan penyokong yang berbaris di tepi jalan.

11.05 am : Di Sek. Men. Ampang Pecah-Penyokong PR terus berlawan sorak dengan penyokong BN. Di sebelah PR, mereka melaungkan " enjin jet hilang...BN, curi pasir...BN" manakala di sebelah BN mereka hanya membalas " dua tahun perintah tak buat apa-apa".

Biarpun berbalas sorakan, keadaan masih terkawal dengan beberpa anggota keselamatan dihat cuba menenangkan penyokong dari kedua belah pihak.

11. 00 am : Di Sek. Men. Ampang Pecah- Berlaku sedikit kekecohan apabila pihak polis tidak membenarkan petugas media termasuk wartawan dan jurugambar masuk ke kawasan pembuangan undi biarpun mempunyai pas SPR.

10.45 am : Di Sek. Men. Ampang Pecah- Kekecohan berlaku antara penyokong kedua-dua pihak. Mereka pada mulanya salang berbalas sorakan sehingga membawa kepada perang mulut yang hampir-hampir mencetuskan pergaduhan.

Beberapa anggota polis dilihat berkawal ditengah-tengah kedua-dua penyokong.

10: 40 am: Pemimpin Pakatan Rakyat bersama penyokong sedang giat menjalankan tugas meraih undi di Sek. Men Batang Kali Baru.

Zaid Ibrahim dijangka tiba di sini sedikit masa lagi. Para wartawan sedang berkumpul di sini difahamkan mahu bertemu dengan Timbalan Pengerusi SPR berhubung isu jumlah pengundi Kampung Tanjong yang sebelum ini sebahagian besar dipindahkan ke Selayang.

10.35 am : Di Sek. Keb. Bukit Rasa- Ketibaan Timbalan Perdana Menteri, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin disambut laungan 'Yahudi', 'Israel', 'Umno Israel' dan 'rasuah' oleh penyokong Pakatan Rakyat.

Jumlah keluar mengundi di sini seramai 366 orang setakat jam 10 pagi ini.

10:30 am : Menurut SPR, sehingga jam 10 pagi tadi, seramai 16,932 atau 26.25 peratus sudah keluar mengundi.

10.23 am : Di Sek. Ren J.K.C Khing Ming, Kuala Kubu-Sekumpulan petugas SPR mengarahkan pondok panas yang didirikan kedua dua parti bertanding berdekatan pusat membuang undi dialihkan.

Penyokong bagaimanapun dilihat akur dengan arahan tersebut, dan beramai ramai mengusung khemah yang dijadikan pondok panas dan dialihkan ke kasawan lain.

10.20 am : Tercetus kekecohan apabila Ketua Wanita Keadilan, Zuraida Salleh sampai di sini.

Sekumpulan penyokong BN menolak beliau sehingga hampir jatuh.

Dua remaja dari pihak masing-masing hampir bertumbuk tetapi sempat ditenangkan pihak Polis

10: 17 am : Sek. Keb. Bandar Bharu Batang Kali. suasana mula hingar bingar mula berlaku ekoran saling berbalas sorakan oleh kedua-dua belah pihak penyokong.

Para wartawan berkumpul di sini sekoran menunggu ketibaan calon Pakatan Rakyat, Datuk Zaid Ibrahim.

10:15 am: 4 buah tarak FRU lagi dilihat tiba di sini menjadikan jumlah keseluruhan 9 buah.

10.00 am : 5 buah trak FRU penunh dengan anggota tiba di Sek. Ren J.K.C Khing Ming, Kuala Kubu untuk megawal sebarang kemungkinan. Suasana bagaimanapun masih terkawal manakala lalu lintas masih bergerak perlahan.

9.50 am : Calon Pakatan Rakyat, Datuk Zaid Ibrahim akan memulakan sesi lawatan ke pusat mengundi di Sek. Keb. Bandar Bharu Batang Kali jam 10.00 pagi ini.

9.40 am : Pimpinan PAS Kelantan termasuk Exco kerajaan YB Baihaqi Atiqullah serta Ahli Parlimen Rantau Panjang bersama penyokong Pakatan merayu undi di Sek. Keb. Batang Kali.

Sekumpulan remaja lelaki membuat aksi 'wheely' sambil mengibar bendera BN dihadapan pemimpin dan penyokong pakatan.

9.30 am : Menteri Besar Selangor, Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim juga tiba di Sek. Ren J.K.C Khing Ming, Kuala Kubu meninjau suasana pengundian.

Beliau disambut penyokong dan juga pengundi di kawasan berkenaan.

Sehingga kini, hanya penyokong Pakatan Rakyat sahaja berbaris di tepi jalan menuju ke pusat pengundian di sini manakala penyokong BN masih belum kelihatan.

9.27 am: Sekumpulan pemuda Pakatan Rakyat sedang berbalas sorakan dengan puteri Umno dan pemuda BN di Sek. Keb. Batang Kali.

Pemuda PR melaungkan 'tutup aurat' dan dibalas sorakan oleh pemuda BN.

9.25 am : Exco Selangor, Rodziah Ismail bertemu pengundi di Sek. Keb. Batang Kali.

9.20 am : Pengarah Pilihanraya PKR, Fauziah Salleh tiba di Sek. Ren J.K.C Khing Ming meninjau suasana.

9.15 am : Penyokong Pakatan Rakyat dan BN sedang hangat berbalas sorakan di sepanjang jalan Sek. Keb Batang Kali. Jalan pada waktu ini penuh sesak.

Para pengundi dilihat mula ramai datang dan masuk ke kawasan pusat mengundi.

9.00 am : Jalan menghubung pekan-pekan utama di Hulu Selangor kini sesak dengan kenderaan.

Kenderaan dari jalan Kuala Kubu menuju ke Batang Kali juga kini dilaporkan tidak bergerak akibat kesesakan.

8.50 am: Di pusat pengundian Sek. Ren J.K.C Khing Ming, kawasan pengundi Cina, keadaan juga masih lagi lengang.

Peyokong Pakatan Rakyat dari PKR, PAS dan DAP berbaris di sepanjang jalan membawa bendera dan poster calon.

Hadir sama, Exco kerajaan negeri Selangor, Ronie Liu. Penyokong BN bagaimanapun tidak kelihatan.

8.30 am : Didapati suasana pengundian sehingga jam 8.30 pagi ini masih belum rancak. Kehadiran pengundi masih lengang di kebanyakan pusat mengundi.

8.20 am : Sekumpulan penyokong BN dipercayai pemuda lasak Umno mula menunjukkan aksi nakal kepada penyokong PR di Sek Keb Bukit Sentosa. Keadaan bagaimanapun masih lagi terkawal.

8.15 am : Difahamkan jam 5 pg tadi, pemuda AMK menahan sebuah bas yang didakwa membawa pengundi hantu berdekatan IKBN Ampang Pecah. Mereka kemudiannya dikepong oleh sekumpulan pemuda lain namun berjaya dikawal pihak keselamatan.

8.05 am : Di Sek Keb. Rasa, Para petugas dari PAS dan Keadlilan memulakan tugas di barung dan tepi jalan dengan mengibarkan bendera parti dan poster calon.

8.00 am : Proses pembuangan undi bagi Pilihan Raya Kecil Hulu Selangor bermula sebaik sahaja 48 pusat mengundi dibuka tepat jam 8.00 pagi.

Ianya akan tamat jam 5 petang dan semua peti undi akan dikumpulkan di Dewan Serbaguna Kompleks Sukan Hulu Selangor.

Pakatan Draws 10000 in-last-pitch-for-hulu-selangor


KUALA KUBU BARU — Pakatan Rakyat (PR) brought out its stars last night in a last pitch for Datuk Zaid Ibrahim to win the key Hulu Selangor by-election, exhorting a record 10,000-strong crowd to vote for change.

Repeating the same message that won them the federal seat in 2008 by a slim 198 votes, PR leaders ended their eight-day campaign by telling voters to reject Barisan Nasional’s (BN) despotic and corrupt rule in favour of Zaid.

Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng, whose arrival was greeted zealously, turned on the heat by greeting the sea of supporters with a swipe at Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s 1 Malaysia.

“Selamat malam 1 Malaysia,” he said to loud laughter from the sea of humanity packed in the Kuala Kubu Baru stadium. “I want to tell the prime minister this: this is the real 1 Malaysia,” said Lim, referring to racially diverse crowd.

The DAP secretary-general, who has made almost daily visits to campaign for Zaid, said that sending the PKR candidate to the Dewan Rakyat instead of MIC information officer P. Kamalanathan would be the first few steps for change.

“We want him to win because we want to continue to gain support to realise our objective of ousting BN and capturing Putrajaya,” said Lim, adding that PR would replace the ruling federal coalition with a people-oriented government.

Zaid, who spoke to the crowd after Lim gave a spirited speech, added to the Penang CM’s call for a national movement for change.

“Previously, we were colonised by foreigners. Today we are colonised by those whom you voted for. We need to liberate ourselves from them, a cruel pharaoh government,” he fired.

The highlight of the event was PAS spiritual leader Datuk Nik Aziz Nik Mat, who had rushed in from Mecca to boost PR’s flagging campaign for Zaid.

It is understood that more than half of the crowd for the final ceramah were PAS supporters as most had come from outside the constituency to hear their revered leader speak.

Unlike Zaid and Lim, the Kelantan mentri besar was in his usual “silent strength” mode, soft but sharply attacking the BN lynchpin Umno as evil personified.

“I believe in unity. When then premier Razak, the father of Najib, asked Dr Asri to join Umno, we did in the name of unity,” he declared, referring to then-PAS president Datuk Asri Mohd Muda who led the party to help form BN in 1974 with then-Prime Minister Tun Abdul Razak Hussein.

“But when Umno was strong, they kicked us out,” said Nik Aziz, adding in English: “I know who you are.”

The crowd cheered and were stunned by his statement as the 79-year-old cleric seldom if not at all speaks in English.

Opposition Leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, who came in on a motorcycle through the traffic-congested streets leading to the stadium, was the last speaker who stuck to his campaign speech, attacking APCO Worldwide, the public relations company hired by the government that has been accused of links to Israel.

Anwar has been referred to Parliament’s Rights and Privileges Committee for misleading MPs over APCO’s duties and links to Israel which the company denies.

Hope And Fear In Hulu Selangor

By Gobind Rudra

As voters cast their ballots in Hulu Selangor today there will be renewed hope among those who seek political change in the country, almost as much as among those who wish merely for business as usual.

Curiously, the business-as-usual crowd, that of the Barisan Nasional, have jumped on the bandwagon and also adopted the vocabulary of change.

They have no choice: the BN lives in fear of real change.

Political power has been profitable for Umno-BN and its followers and the easy-money class of rent-seekers around them do not want the gravy train to be derailed.

The "change" that the BN has sought is for voters to reject true political change and stick with the tried and trusted. But there has been no change in their methods: money has poured in to persuade voters that there is no profit in political change.

It shows how much desperation, frustration and fear now exists among BN leaders. March 2008 has shown that the people can have a will of their own, that "people power" is not empty rhetoric, and that the tried and trusted have been tried and found wanting.

A simple question of trust

Trust is the quality that is on trial: which of these parties can earn common trust, which of the candidates will safely bear the keys to the future of the common man and that of his children?

Trust is what led to the choice of the two candidates.

Zaid Ibrahim and his stand against the unbridled use of the despised Internal Security Act, loved only by policemen, has been presented as the candidate that voters can trust to stand up when it counts.

The BN' s choice of P Kamalanathan speaks of a different approach, a crude, cynical and manipulative approach: that voters can be swayed by the illusion of a fresh face, of youth untainted by scandal, of energy, and the promise he can be trusted to deliver. But deliver what? His own promise was merely to deliver Hulu Selangor as a gift to his political master.

Power and privilege versus a question of justice

That master, Najib Tun Razak, has a lot riding on this election. Where pundits try to make every election into a referendum (a well-loved tactic to invest more significance than a local election might have) Najib has literally done so.

His move, though unusual, is not surprising.

There are many fissures within his own party, with his grip on the helm still shaky after only a year in office, and with discontent building up from the loss of patronage that many have suffered, and further potential losses in any programme of political or economic reforms.

Power and patronage

By calling this by-election a referendum on his administration, Najib has unfairly asked the voters of Hulu Selangor to secure his leadership of Umno and the Barisan Nasional. Given their own problems of everyday life, a lot of which is a result of BN's long tenure in power, Hulu Selangor voters might well ask: why should they?

For profit, it seems. By staking so much on this by-election, Najib and the BN have fallen back on ways of old: by trying to buy the election (with taxpayer funds at that) and seem willing to strong-arm the needed vote.

Najib brought "ang pows" at a campaign stop and promised: "Even before winning, we are already giving out ang pows. If we win, the ang pows will be bigger." For Felda settlers, it was more of the same: a payout to settle a long-oustanding debt, with more promised if the BN were to win. And for Indian voters, another gimmicky promise to end the never-ending Maika saga which has resulted in poor Indians waiting decades for the return of their money, let alone any profits.

That all this reeks of corruption, injustice, and a subversion of due process seems to have been ignored by the BN: perhaps they believe that voters care only for their own self-interest and not for larger issues of justice and just governance.

By doing so, Najib and the BN reveal a surprising depth of true contempt for the voter and his ability to see reason. If so, there will be a comeuppance if Malaysia's voters decide to turn contempt back on them.

And that is truly the sum of all the BN's fears.

Langsung : Hari Pengundian PRK Hulu Selangor


Hazayani Zakaria, Dzulfikar Mashoor, Syukri Mohamad

3.40 pm : Ahli Majlis Pimpinan Pusat PKR, Badrul Hisham Shahrin ditahan selepas membuat laporan polis bahawa beliau diserang dengan parang oleh penyokong BN.

Kini masih di balai polis serendah.

Beliau tengah hari tadi diserang dengan sebilah parang selepas beliau melawat pusat pengundian di Felda Sungai Buaya.

Kejadian berlaku sekitar pukul 12.30 tengahari selepas beliau dan beberapa petugas keluar dari pusat pengundian di tempat tersebut.

3.30 pm : Lagi SMS kemenangan kepada Zaid tersebar. Kini maklumat yang didakwa diperoleh dari risikan tentera.

SMS itu mendakwa Zaid akan terus mendahului Kamalanathan sekiranya tren keluar mengundi perlahan atau normal sehingga jam 5 petang.

SMS itu juga mendakwa Zaid mungkin mendapat majoriti 3,725 undi dengan pecahan undi Melayu 55 peratus, Cina 75 Peratus dan India 60 Peratus.

Kebanyakan undi yang diperolehi Zaid dakwa SMS itu adalah dari peneroka selepas MB Selangor semalam mengumumkan Zaid mengetuai Task force menyelesaikan isu hak milik tanah.

Bagaimanapun belum ada pihak yang berani mengesahkan perkara tersebut.

3.25 pm : Peratus keluar mengundi hingga jam 3 petang adalah 67.18 peratus bersamaan 43,333 pengundi.

3.00 pm : Seorang budak Iskandar Hanafiah, 12 tahun mengaku dibayar RM2 untuk membawa bendera BN dengan basikal bersama rakan-rakannya.

"Umno bagi RM2 sahaja, yang lain Umno dia masih belum bayar lagi," katanya kepada wartawan Harakahdaily.

2.45 pm : Di Sek. Keb Taman Bunga Raya (1), keadaan pengundi yang datang mula lengang kembali.

Penyelia pusat mengundi, Hamidah Nipah berkata di sini saluran 2 mencatat bilangan pengundi paling tinggi iaitu 263 dari keseluhan jumlah pengundi 940.

2.35 pm : Peratus keluar mengundi sehingga jam 2 petang adalah 63.74 peratus iaitu 41,112 pengundi.

1.45 pm : Sekali lagi pergaduhan hampir berlaku antara sukarelawan India dari Pakatan Rakyat dengan petugas India BN ekoran berebut memberi perkhidmatan kepada para pengundi India di SJK (T) Sungai Choh.

1.40 pm : Di Pusat Pembuangan undi SJK (T) Sungai Choh, Taman Bukit Teratai- Panyokong Pakatan semakin ramai menjelang sesi pengundian sebelah petang.

Sukarelawan PKR yang bertugas dibarong panas meluahkan rasa yakin, Zaid mendahului melihat kepada sambutan pengundi yang datang ke barong PKR sejak pagi tadi berbanding barong BN.

Dari 1,410 pengundi berdaftar di sini, kurang 100 pengundi sahaja lagi yang belum menunaikan tanggungjawab.

1.30 pm : Peratus keluar mengundi adalah 56.82 peratus atau 36,650 pengundi.

1.00 pm : Kekecohan berlaku, kini di Sek. Keb. Sg. Rasa. Bermula apabila penyokong BN merentap bendera Keadilan selepas tidak berpuas hati dengan sorakan penyokong Pakatan Rakyat.

Pergaduhan kecil juga berlaku, namun suasana bagaimanapun kembali tenang selepas dileraikan pihak polis.

12.50 pm : Norasyikin Zakaria, 35, antara pengundi terawal pagi tadi memaklumkan berlaku kekecohan di tempat beliau mengundi di Sek Keb Bandar Baru Batang Kali, selepas seorang pengundi sebelumnya tidak berpuas hati kerana namanya hilang dari buku daftar pemilih.

Dalam semakan online sebelum itu, pengundi itu mendakwa namanya ada ada dalam daftar pemilih.

Dia kemudian berang, apabila aduannya didakwa tidak dilayan petugas SPR.

12. 20 pm : Ketua AKM Selangor, Khairul Anuar Bin Ahmad Zainuddin ketika mengulas peratus sedikit keluar mengundi sebelah pagi berkata "Ini mungkin protes senyap orang Melayu kepada Kamalanathan (calon BN)".

12.00 pm : Penyokong BN mula mempamer aksi lucah kepada penyokong PR di Sek. Men. Ampang Pecah. Mereka saling berbalas sorakan. Keadaan masih terkawal.

11.55 am : Suasana sekali lagi tegang di Sek. Keb. Bandar Baru Batang Kali. Kedua-dua penyokong saling berbalas sorakan.

Pergaduhan hampir tercetus ekoran jarak kedua-dua penyokong hanya sebelah menyebelah.

11. 30 am : Pelbagai spekulasi mula tersebar melalui khidmat pesanan ringkas SMS mendakwa PKR bakal menang besar.

Ada yang mendakwa PKR akan menang besar berdasarkan maklumat briged Welsh, pemimpin Umno didakwa sudah beransur ansur meninggalkan Hulu Selangor.

Manakala ada juga SMS mengatakan PKR akan tewas jika hanya 60 peratus sahaja pengundi keluar mengundi. Namun jika Peratus keluar mengundi lebih 61 peratus, PKR dijangka menang besar.

11.25 am : SPR memaklumkan Peratus keluar mengundi sehingga jam 11 pagi tadi adalah 24,645 iaitu 38.21 peratus.

11.20 am : Di Sek. Keb. Ulu Yam Baru- Pemuda BN dilihat mendominasi keadaan. Gelagat sorakan mereka hanya diperhatikan penyokong Pakatan rakyat

11.15 am: Sukarelawan PKR, Maznah Abdul Aziz, 59 mendakwa seramai empat pengundi kaum Tionghua di Sek. Keb. Batang kali Baru terkejut apabila dimaklumkan SPR bahawa nama mereka masing-masing telah dipindahkan ke Parlimen Kepong.

11.10 am : Datuk Zaid Ibrahim tiba di Sek. Keb. Bandar Baru Batang Kali. Beliau bagaimanapun hanya meninjau dari kenderaan yang dinaikinya akibat jalan terlalu sesak.

Beliau bagaimanapun sempat bertanya khabar pengundi yang datang membuang undi dan bersalam dengan penyokong yang berbaris di tepi jalan.

11.05 am : Di Sek. Men. Ampang Pecah-Penyokong PR terus berlawan sorak dengan penyokong BN. Di sebelah PR, mereka melaungkan " enjin jet hilang...BN, curi pasir...BN" manakala di sebelah BN mereka hanya membalas " dua tahun perintah tak buat apa-apa".

Biarpun berbalas sorakan, keadaan masih terkawal dengan beberpa anggota keselamatan dihat cuba menenangkan penyokong dari kedua belah pihak.

11. 00 am : Di Sek. Men. Ampang Pecah- Berlaku sedikit kekecohan apabila pihak polis tidak membenarkan petugas media termasuk wartawan dan jurugambar masuk ke kawasan pembuangan undi biarpun mempunyai pas SPR.

10.45 am : Di Sek. Men. Ampang Pecah- Kekecohan berlaku antara penyokong kedua-dua pihak. Mereka pada mulanya salang berbalas sorakan sehingga membawa kepada perang mulut yang hampir-hampir mencetuskan pergaduhan.

Beberapa anggota polis dilihat berkawal ditengah-tengah kedua-dua penyokong.

10: 40 am: Pemimpin Pakatan Rakyat bersama penyokong sedang giat menjalankan tugas meraih undi di Sek. Men Batang Kali Baru.

Zaid Ibrahim dijangka tiba di sini sedikit masa lagi. Para wartawan sedang berkumpul di sini difahamkan mahu bertemu dengan Timbalan Pengerusi SPR berhubung isu jumlah pengundi Kampung Tanjong yang sebelum ini sebahagian besar dipindahkan ke Selayang.

10.35 am : Di Sek. Keb. Bukit Rasa- Ketibaan Timbalan Perdana Menteri, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin disambut laungan 'Yahudi', 'Israel', 'Umno Israel' dan 'rasuah' oleh penyokong Pakatan Rakyat.

Jumlah keluar mengundi di sini seramai 366 orang setakat jam 10 pagi ini.

10:30 am : Menurut SPR, sehingga jam 10 pagi tadi, seramai 16,932 atau 26.25 peratus sudah keluar mengundi.

10.23 am : Di Sek. Ren J.K.C Khing Ming, Kuala Kubu-Sekumpulan petugas SPR mengarahkan pondok panas yang didirikan kedua dua parti bertanding berdekatan pusat membuang undi dialihkan.

Penyokong bagaimanapun dilihat akur dengan arahan tersebut, dan beramai ramai mengusung khemah yang dijadikan pondok panas dan dialihkan ke kasawan lain.

10.20 am : Tercetus kekecohan apabila Ketua Wanita Keadilan, Zuraida Salleh sampai di sini.

Sekumpulan penyokong BN menolak beliau sehingga hampir jatuh.

Dua remaja dari pihak masing-masing hampir bertumbuk tetapi sempat ditenangkan pihak Polis

10: 17 am : Sek. Keb. Bandar Bharu Batang Kali. suasana mula hingar bingar mula berlaku ekoran saling berbalas sorakan oleh kedua-dua belah pihak penyokong.

Para wartawan berkumpul di sini sekoran menunggu ketibaan calon Pakatan Rakyat, Datuk Zaid Ibrahim.

10:15 am: 4 buah tarak FRU lagi dilihat tiba di sini menjadikan jumlah keseluruhan 9 buah.

10.00 am : 5 buah trak FRU penunh dengan anggota tiba di Sek. Ren J.K.C Khing Ming, Kuala Kubu untuk megawal sebarang kemungkinan. Suasana bagaimanapun masih terkawal manakala lalu lintas masih bergerak perlahan.

9.50 am : Calon Pakatan Rakyat, Datuk Zaid Ibrahim akan memulakan sesi lawatan ke pusat mengundi di Sek. Keb. Bandar Bharu Batang Kali jam 10.00 pagi ini.

9.40 am : Pimpinan PAS Kelantan termasuk Exco kerajaan YB Baihaqi Atiqullah serta Ahli Parlimen Rantau Panjang bersama penyokong Pakatan merayu undi di Sek. Keb. Batang Kali.

Sekumpulan remaja lelaki membuat aksi 'wheely' sambil mengibar bendera BN dihadapan pemimpin dan penyokong pakatan.

9.30 am : Menteri Besar Selangor, Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim juga tiba di Sek. Ren J.K.C Khing Ming, Kuala Kubu meninjau suasana pengundian.

Beliau disambut penyokong dan juga pengundi di kawasan berkenaan.

Sehingga kini, hanya penyokong Pakatan Rakyat sahaja berbaris di tepi jalan menuju ke pusat pengundian di sini manakala penyokong BN masih belum kelihatan.

9.27 am: Sekumpulan pemuda Pakatan Rakyat sedang berbalas sorakan dengan puteri Umno dan pemuda BN di Sek. Keb. Batang Kali.

Pemuda PR melaungkan 'tutup aurat' dan dibalas sorakan oleh pemuda BN.

9.25 am : Exco Selangor, Rodziah Ismail bertemu pengundi di Sek. Keb. Batang Kali.

9.20 am : Pengarah Pilihanraya PKR, Fauziah Salleh tiba di Sek. Ren J.K.C Khing Ming meninjau suasana.

9.15 am : Penyokong Pakatan Rakyat dan BN sedang hangat berbalas sorakan di sepanjang jalan Sek. Keb Batang Kali. Jalan pada waktu ini penuh sesak.

Para pengundi dilihat mula ramai datang dan masuk ke kawasan pusat mengundi.

9.00 am : Jalan menghubung pekan-pekan utama di Hulu Selangor kini sesak dengan kenderaan.

Kenderaan dari jalan Kuala Kubu menuju ke Batang Kali juga kini dilaporkan tidak bergerak akibat kesesakan.

8.50 am: Di pusat pengundian Sek. Ren J.K.C Khing Ming, kawasan pengundi Cina, keadaan juga masih lagi lengang.

Peyokong Pakatan Rakyat dari PKR, PAS dan DAP berbaris di sepanjang jalan membawa bendera dan poster calon.

Hadir sama, Exco kerajaan negeri Selangor, Ronie Liu. Penyokong BN bagaimanapun tidak kelihatan.

8.30 am : Didapati suasana pengundian sehingga jam 8.30 pagi ini masih belum rancak. Kehadiran pengundi masih lengang di kebanyakan pusat mengundi.

8.20 am : Sekumpulan penyokong BN dipercayai pemuda lasak Umno mula menunjukkan aksi nakal kepada penyokong PR di Sek Keb Bukit Sentosa. Keadaan bagaimanapun masih lagi terkawal.

8.15 am : Difahamkan jam 5 pg tadi, pemuda AMK menahan sebuah bas yang didakwa membawa pengundi hantu berdekatan IKBN Ampang Pecah. Mereka kemudiannya dikepong oleh sekumpulan pemuda lain namun berjaya dikawal pihak keselamatan.

8.05 am : Di Sek Keb. Rasa, Para petugas dari PAS dan Keadlilan memulakan tugas di barung dan tepi jalan dengan mengibarkan bendera parti dan poster calon.

8.00 am : Proses pembuangan undi bagi Pilihan Raya Kecil Hulu Selangor bermula sebaik sahaja 48 pusat mengundi dibuka tepat jam 8.00 pagi.

Ianya akan tamat jam 5 petang dan semua peti undi akan dikumpulkan di Dewan Serbaguna Kompleks Sukan Hulu Selangor.

Hulu Selangor 12 Peratus Keluar Undi Satu Jam Pertama


Oleh G. Manimaran

HULU SELANGOR — Proses pengundian mula rancak dengan lebih 26 peratus keluar mengundi dalam dua jam pertama dalam pilihan raya kecil kerusi Parlimen Hulu Selangor pagi ini.

Ia bersamaan dengan 16,932 orang.

Secara perbandingan jumlah yang keluar mengundi agak lebih tinggi sepanjang jam kedua berbanding satu jam pertama.

Kira-kira 12 peratus atau 7,891 pemilih keluar mengundi dalam tempoh satu jam pertama.

Bahagian Hulu Selangor mengandungi 64,500 pemilih layak mengundi dan sekitar 700 pengundi pos telah mengundi dua hari yang lalu.

“Proses pengundian berjalan lancar dengan kesemua 136 saluran dibuka serentak pukul 8 pagi tadi,” kata Timbalan Pengerusi SPR Datuk Wira Wan Ahmad Wan Omar kepada The Malaysian Insider kira-kira 9 pagi tadi.

The Malaysian Insider difahamkan kebanyakan pengundi yang keluar mengundi sepanjang satu setengah jam pertama merupakan penyokong-penyokong Pakatan Rakyat.

“Seperti biasa, ramai penyokong Pakatan Rakyat yang keluar mengundi awal pagi, selepas 9.30 pagi kami dapati penyokong-penyokong BN mula keluar dalam jumlah yang ramai,” kata seorang pembantu jentera BN.

Tinjauan The Malaysian Insider juga mendapati lebih banyak kenderaan membawa lambang dan bendera Pakatan Rakyat berada di jalan-jalan raya khususnya di kawasan Kuala Kubu Baru.

Bagaimanapun lebih banyak kenderaan berlambangkan BN mula membanjiri jalan selepas 9.30 pagi.

Di pusat mengundi di kawasan Bukit Beruntung, wartawan The Malaysian Insider Adip Zalkapli melaporkan bahawa setakat satu jam pertama peratusan mengundi agak kecil dengan kurang daripada 10 peratus daripada 1,400 pengundi yang layak keluar mengundi di Sek Keb Bukit Beruntung.

Dalam pada itu, penyokong Pakatan Rakyat dan BN berkumpul di sekitar SRJK (Cina) Serendah bergaduh ekoran pertengkaran antara mereka, tapi dileraikan polis.

Tiada sesiapa yang tercedera.

Kejadian itu berlaku sebelum calon BN, P. Kamalanathan tiba.

Kamalanathan beritahu beliau berpuas hati dengan sokongan yang diberikan dan keputusan menang atau kalah terserah kepada Tuhan.

Ec Expects 80% Turnout - Results By 9:30 Pm.


HULU SELANGOR: The Election Commission (EC) expects about 80 percent of the 63,701 eligible voters to turn up to cast their ballots in the Hulu Selangor parliamentary by-election tomorrow.

The anticipated higher percentage of voter turnout, compared to the 75.24 percent in the 2008 general election, can be attributed to the fact that tomorrow is a Sunday.

EC chairman Abdul Aziz Mohd Yusuf said today the fine weather expected in the morning as well as the EC and police measures to ensure smooth polling would also be the contributory factors.

He advised voters to come out early to exercise their right as rain could fall in the afternoon.

"The voters should not be overly concerned about their safety as the security forces had stepped up patrols to prevent any undesirable incident," he told a news conference.

Abdul Aziz said the EC expected the result to be known before 9.30pm, provided everything went according to schedule, because the counting of votes would begin at the polling centres soon after polling closed at 5pm.

No victory celebration

He also said that the EC would not hesitate to dismantle "hot kiosks" set up by political parties outside polling centres in an attempt to canvass for votes.

He advised the candidates to stop campaigning at midnight tonight in accordance with the election laws.

"I also do not want to see any victory celebration after the result is announced," he said, adding that six teams of enforcement officers had been monitoring the campaign which entered its final day today.

On a claim by PKR candidate Zaid Ibrahim that some voters had been relocated to another parliamentary constituency, Abdul Aziz said a change of polling centres was made
to facilitate the voting process.

"For example, the polling centre at the Tamil school near Kuala Kubu Baru was moved to Sekolah Datuk Haji Kamaruddin because of traffic congestion," he said.

The by-election is a straight fight between P. Kamalanathan of BN and Zaid and is being held following the death of the MP, Zainal Abidin Ahmad of the PKR, last month. - Bernama

Pengundian bermula dengan jangkaan 56.2 % memihak Zaid

Zulkifli Sulong

HULU SELANGOR: Berbekalkan anggaran kemenangan 56.2 untuk Pakatan Rakyat sebagaimana yang diramalkan oleh Zentrum Future Studies, 63,701 pengundi Hulu Selangor mula membuang undi pagi ini.

Mereka membuang undi di 48 pusat pengundian yang menyediakan 136 saluran mengundi di 47 buah sekolah bermula jam 8.00 pagi ini.

Proses pengundian ini diketuai oleh pegawai pengurus pilihan raya, Nor Hisham Ahmad Dahlan iaitu Pegawai Daerah Hulu Selangor.

Pilihan raya kecil ini diadakan ekoran kematian penyandingnya, Datuk Zainal Abidin Ahmad yang meninggal dunia bulan lalu akibat barah otak.

Pilihan raya kecil ini menyaksikan pertandingan satu lawan satu antara ketua penerangan MIC P.Kamalanathan dari BN dan bekas ahli parlimen Kota Bharu Datuk Zaid Ibrahim dari PKR yang mewakili Pakatan Rakyat.

Polis pula menggerakkan lebih 1,000 petugas dan beberapa helikopter bagi memastikan proses mengundi berjalan lancar.

Pilihan raya ini menyaksikan kedua-dua pihak turun dengan sepenuh tenaga yang mereka ada samada di pihak BN atau PR. BN misalnya menurun semua pemimpin utamanya termasuk Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Razak dan bekas perdana menteri, Tun Dr Mahathir.

Menjadi satu yang luar biasa juga apabila PM turun sendiri secara penuh masa dengan berkempen di seluruh kawasan pilihan raya sedangkan menjadi amalam BN sebelum ini pilihan raya kecil biasanya diserahkan kepada timbalan sahaja.

Malam tadi, Pakatan Rakyat menamatkan sessi kempennya di stadium mini Kuala Kubu Baru. Mursyidul Am PAS, Tuan Guru Datuk Nik Aziz Nik Mat dan lain-lain pemimpin Pakatan berucap di situ. Stadium itu penuh sesak dengan manusia dan dianggarkan sekurang-kurangnya 20,000 memenuhinya.

Sebelum itu, Nik Aziz berucap di Dewan Komuniti Serendah yang penuh sesak dengan orang ramai dari pelbagai kaum.

Namun begitu, dalam pilihanraya ini Nik Aziz dilihat tidak perlu memberikan ucapan yang hebat, cukup sekadar meminta pengundi mengundi Zaid. Beliau hanya perlu hadir, lambaikan tangan dan orang ramai akan memenuhi tempat beliau datang.

Para pemimpin BN, menurut laporan media mereka, yakin akan menang dalam pilihan raya ini. Najib sendiri memberitahu kebinetnya BN akan menang.

Bilik gerakan PAS pula menjangka, calon PR akan menang. "Jika keluar mengundi 75 peratus, kami jangka akan menang sekitar 556 undi," kata Pengarah Operasi jentera pilihanraya PAS, Jamaliddin Elias kepada Harakahdaily dua hari sebelum mengundi.

Bilik gerakan PKR pula melaporkan, sasaran mereka untuk mendapat 43 peratus pengundi Melayu bolehkan dikatakan tercapai. Setiausaha Agung PKR, Saifudin Nasution Ismail berkata, pihaknya menjangka akan menang.

Zentrum pimpinan Dr Abu Hassan Hasbullah yang membuat kajian lapangan secara agresif kali ini telah mengeluarkan laporan setiap jam semalam. Ia bermula dengan kemenangan berpihak kepada PR diwaktu pagi, BN menang di waktu tengahari tetapi berakhir dengan kemenangan bergaya di pihak PR pada akhir malam tadi 56.2 peratus untuk PR dan 43.8 peratus untuk BN.

Berikut antara statistik yang diberikan oleh Zentrum.

10:00 pagi - BN 47.6% PR 52.4%

11:00 pagi - BN 49.4% PR 50.6%

12:00 tengah hari - BN 50.2% PR 49.8%

1:00 petang- BN 49.3% PR 50.7%

2:00 petang - BN 47.2% PR 52.8%

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Mesej dari Zaid Ibrahim


Assalamualaikum dan Salam Sejahtera,

Teman, taulan, dan rakyat Malaysia sekalian. Esok, hari Ahad 25hb April 2010, merupakan satu hari yang cukup penting bagi negara demokratik muda kita. Rakyat Hulu Selangor akan membuang undi dan memilih Ahli Parlimen baru mereka. Apakah keputusan PRK ini bermakna rakyat Malaysia masih mahukan perkara yang sama berleluasa: pentadbiran yang tidak cekap, politik rasis yang mengadu-domba, rasuah berleluasa?
Atau apakah kita sudah bersedia menyatakan pendirian kita?

Esok, rakyat Hulu Selangor harus membuat pilihan. Tapi, kita boleh turut serta mendampingi mereka.

Bagi anda yang mendaftar sebagai pengundi di kawasan parlimen P94, saya minta:

- pastikan lokasi membuang undi anda di

- pulanglah ke Hulu Selangor awal, kemungkinan jalanraya sesak.

- keluarlah mengundi seawal yang mungkin.

Bagi anda yang tidak berdaftar sebagai pengundi di P94, tapi menyokong perjuangan kami, saya minta:

- ajaklah teman-teman yang boleh mengundi di P94 untuk pulang mengundi

- berikan bantuan anda dari segi masa, kenderaan dan sebagainya di Pusat Media PKR di Kuala Kubu Bharu

- sebarkan maklumat melalui status Facebook dan Twitter anda

- datanglah ke Kuala Kubu Bharu untuk memberi sokongan moral

Terima kasih sekali lagi di atas sokongan dan bantuan semua. Perjuangan kita baru bermula.

Sama-sama Selamatkan Malaysia.

- Datuk Zaid Ibrahim

Assalamualaikum and Salam Sejahtera,
Friends and fellow Malaysians. Tomorrow, Sunday 25th April 2010, is a very important day for our young democracy. The people of Hulu Selangor will vote for their new Member of Parliament. Will tomorrow’s outcome mean Malaysians want more of the same: inefficient governance, divisive race-based politics, blatant corruption? Or are we ready to make a stand?
Tomorrow, the people of Hulu Selangor must make this choice. But they need not make this choice alone.
For those of you who are registered to vote in the P94 constituency, I urge you to:
- check your polling station by visiting
- come back to Hulu Selangor early because the roads might be jammed.
- get out to vote as early as possible.
For those who are not eligible to vote, but who support our efforts, I urge you to:
- encourage all your friends, who are eligible to vote in P94, to come back and vote.
- volunteer your time, cars, vans, and motorbikes at the PKR Media Centre in Kuala Kubu Bharu
- disseminate information through Facebook status and Twitter updates.
- come to Kuala Kubu Bharu to lend your support.
Thank you all again for your good wishes and support. Our work is only just beginning.
Sama-sama Selamatkan Malaysia.
- Datuk Zaid Ibrahim

Visi Zaid untuk Hulu Selangor: Anak Muda Kita, Tanah Kita & Air Kita


Pada hari penamaan calon, saya memberitahu para wartawan bahawa saya jatuh cinta pada Hulu Selangor. Saya telah bertemu, mendengar dan belajar daripada ramai orang. Saya telah berjalan melawati banyak tempat dan melihat banyak perkara yang menyentuh hati saya. Untuk saya, Hulu Selangor merupakan suatu kawasan yang cukup istimewa.

Saya telah bercakap dengan Menteri Besar Tan Sri Khalid dan saya beriltizam untuk bersama-sama mengangkat gagasan Kerajaan Pakatan Rakyat Selangor bagi mengubah Hulu Selangor menjadi contoh tauladan yang dikagumi seluruh rakyat Malaysia. Selangor dianggap sebagai negeri maju dan taraf hidup masyarakatnya hampir menyamai Eropah Barat. Namun kenapa – sejak 50 tahun lalu – ribuan orang masih hidup tanpa bekalan paip air? Tanpa tanah? Tanpa harapan masa hadapan buat anak-anak mereka? Masa untuk kecewa telah tamat. Kini waktunya hak-hak yang dirampas dipulangkan kepada rakyat Hulu Selangor.
Anda memerlukan prasarana yang mudah, lebih ramai pasukan polis, lebih banyak klinik untuk memelihara kesihatan anda dan anak-anak anda. Prasarana, keselamatan dan kesihatan adalah hak asas untuk kesemua rakyat Malaysia. Hulu Selangor memerlukan pemimpin untuk menjuarai keperluan anda. Jika rakyat Hulu Selangor memberikan saya peluang, InsyaAllah saya percaya saya boleh menjadi pemimpin yang diharapkan itu.

Anak Muda

Golongan belia adalah masa depan Hulu Selangor dan negara. Tetapi anak-anak muda ini meninggalkan Hulu Selangor kerana kekurangan pekerjaan, kurangnya kegiatan serta kekurangan peluang untuk mereka melakukan perubahan. Hal ini mesti berubah. Hulu Selangor memerlukan orang-orang mudanya untuk menetap di sini. Kita mesti menukar Bukit Beruntung dan Lembah Beringin – yang sekarang seperti bandar terbiar – menjadi pusat pendidikan, perniagaan dan pembudayaan di Selangor. Kita mesti bekerja untuk menjadikan Hulu Selangor sebuah tempat untuk semua.


Hulu Selangor hampir menyamai keluasan negeri Melaka dan dikurniakan kekayaan anugerah tanah dan alam semulajadi. Namun ribuan penduduk di sini tinggal dalam ketidak tentuan nasibnya sejak 50 tahun yang lalu, sehinggalah Ketua Menteri Tan Sri Khalid memberikan mereka geran-geran tanah. Namun banyak lagi tanah yang tidak bergeran, khususnya anak-anak para peneroka FELDA – meskipun ibu bapa mereka mengusahakan tanah tersebut lebih 30 tahun. Dalam masa yang sama FELDA mendapat habuan keuntungan berbilion ringgit.

Kerajaan Pakatan Rakyat Selangor telah menyelesaikan beberapa isu ini dan kita bersedia untuk maju ke hadapan. InsyaAllah jika saya terpilih, bersama-sama dengan rakyat, khususnya golongan muda, kita akan menukar Hulu Selangor menjadi pusat utama Pelancongan Hijau (Eco) dan Warisan Semulajadi dalam negeri.


Air merupakan sumber kehidupan. Di Selangor, kebanyakan air yang kita minum datangnya dari sini, justeru ia merupakan sumber alam yang tidak ternilai harganya. Oleh yang demikian semua orang berhak mendapatkan bekalan air bersih dan Kerajaan Pakatan Rakyat Selangor memberikan 20 gelen air percuma kepada setiap isi rumah. Tidak ada sesiapapun di dalam negeri kita yang indah ini perlu kehausan, namun kita perlu mengasuh keinginan diri kita untuk mahukan suatu perubahan yang positif.

Saya berasal dari keluarga miskin. Saya faham kehendak, maruah dan impian rakyat Hulu Selangor, umpama ianya hasrat dari saya sendiri. Kepada rakyat Hulu Selangor, saya berkata, percayalah pada saya dan berikanlah saya peluang untuk sama-sama bekerja menjadikan impian ini suatu kenyataan. Ke arah Malaysia yang lebih baik.

Bersama Selamatkan Malaysia!


Calon Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR)

Nik Aziz Undi Zaid Orang Kelantan Tahu Halal Haram

Oleh G. Manimaran

BATANG KALI — Tinggal kurang enam jam sebelum kempen pilihan raya kecil Hulu Selangor berakhir, Mursyidul Am PAS Datuk Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat meminta pengundi kawasan ini termasuk 300 warga Kelantan mengundi calon Pakatan Rakyat Datuk Zaid Ibrahim, esok.

Kata Nik Aziz, pengundi-pengundi wajar memberikan sokongan Zaid kerana yakin terhadap kepimpinannya sebagai seorang yang berprinsip.

“Beliau seorang yang sanggup meletakkan jawatan kerana prinsip... mana ada menteri yang sanggup meletakkan jawatan,” kata Menteri Besar Kelantan ini ketika berucap di hadapan penyokong PAS di Batang Kali, petang ini.

Majlis ini diadakan untuk pengundi-pengundi dari Kelantan.

Bagaimanapun hampir 3,000 orang termasuk pengundi tempatan hadir untuk mendengar ucapan Nik Aziz — persinggahan kedua terakhir hari ini. Malam ini beliau akan berucap di stadium mini Kuala Kubu Baru bersama Ketua Umum Pakatan Rakyat Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.

Nik Aziz memberitahu, beliau juga yakin dengan kepimpinan Zaid kerana bekas Ahli Parlimen Kota Baru itu adalah kelahiran Kelantan yang tahu “soal halal haram.”

“Dulu dia minum arak masa dalam Umno, bila rapat dengan PAS sudah tak minum arak,” kata beliau.

Zaid menyertai PKR awal tahun lalu selepas dipecat Umno akhir 2008.

Zaid yang diturunkan Pakatan Rakyat untuk mempertahankan kerusi Parlimen Hulu Selangor berhadapan dengan serangan peribadi beliau seorang kaki sosial termasuk minum arak.

Umno-BN menggunakan isu itu sebagai bahan kempen.

Awal minggu ini Presiden PAS Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang dan Menteri Besar Selangor Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim berkata Zaid sudah berubah selepas kembali dari Mekah.

Dalam ucapannya beliau juga menyentuh soal mengapa PAS harus menjalin kerjasama bersama DAP dan PKR dalam membentuk Pakatan Rakyat.

Sebab itu kata Nik Aziz, beliau banyak kali menolak kerajaan perpaduan antara PAS-Umno termasuk ketika Muktamar PAS 2008 dan 2009.

“Dulu (1960-an) dia letih (BN dalam suasana sukar) panggil kita, tetapi selepas itu ketepikan kita.

“Sekarang dia letih balik, hilang beberapa negeri, dia (BN) panggil kita balik, mana boleh? Tidak!” katanya

Pungutan Suara Zaid Dahului Calon Bn & 12 Peratus Tak Pasti

From Syed Mu’az Syed Putra dan Lee Suet Ling

HULU SELANGOR: — Selepas kempen lapan hari, Datuk Zaid Ibrahim dilihat mempunyai peluang yang cerah untuk mengekalkan kerusi Hulu Selangor yang dimenangi Pakatan Rakyat dua tahun lalu.

Pungutan suara kendalian The Malaysian Insider di Hulu Selangor menunjukkan Zaid berada di depan dengan 49 peratus sokongan berbanding lawannya P. Kamalanathan dari Barisan Nasional (BN).

Populariti Kamalanathan di kalangan pengundi adalah dalam lingkungan 40 peratus.

Kira-kira 11 peratus pengundi kelihatan masih belum membuat keputusan dengan menjawab soalan “tidak pasti.”

Kadar populariti itu diperoleh apabila responden ditanya siapakah calon pilihan mereka apabila keluar mengundi pada pilihan raya kecil kerusi Parlimen Hulu Selangor esok.

Hasil tinjauan The Malaysian Insider juga mendapati di kerusi Dewan Undangan Negeri (DUN) Batang Kali, Zaid memperoleh 70 peratus undi sementara Kamalanathan pula 30 peratus.

Di DUN Kuala Kubu Baru, Zaid memperoleh 45 peratus sementara Kamalanathan pula 30 peratus sementara 25 peratus lagi masih belum membuat keputusan.

Sementara di Hulu Bernam pula, pengundi memilih Kamalanathan dengan 55 peratus undi manakala Zaid 35 undi dan selebihnya masih belum membuat keputusan.

The Malaysian Insider mendapati pengundi Cina (14 peratus) dan India (12 peratus) cenderung untuk memilih Zaid berbanding pengundi Melayu (23 peratus).

Sementara itu, Kamalanathan lebih digemari pengundi Melayu apabila 27 peratus memilih beliau untuk memenangi pilihan raya ini sementara pengundi Cina sebanyak lima peratus dan pengundi India sebanyak lapan peratus.

Kawasan Parlimen Hulu Selangor itu mempunyai 64,500 pengundi dengan terdiri daripada DUN Hulu Bernam, Kuala Kubu Baru dan Batang Kali.

Tinjauan dilakukan hari ini ketika pemimpin-pemimpin kanan BN dan Pakatan Rakyat termasuk Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Razak, Ketua Umum Pakatan Rakyat Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim dan Mursyidul Am PAS Datuk Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat berkerja keras menemui pengundi awal pagi ini sehingga tengah malam ini.

Daripada sejumlah pengundi yang ditemui di kesemua kerusi DUN dalam Parlimen Hulu Selangor membabitkan komposisi kaum, seramai 85 peratus pernah mengundi pada pilihan raya umum 2008.

Seratus peratus responden berkata mereka akan keluar mengundi esok.

Suruhanjaya Pilihan Raya menjangkakan peratusan keluar mengundi 80 peratus.

Ini pilihan raya kecil pertama di Selangor sejak MaC 2008.

The Malaysian Insider menjalankan kajian rawak ini ketika muncul pelbagai pandangan bahawa BN dan Pakatan Rakyat masing-masing akan menang.

Ada yang meletakkan 52 peratus untuk BN dan ada juga meletakkan 53 peratus untuk calon Pakatan Rakyat.

Ketika ditanya secara individu mengapa mereka sesebuah parti dan calon, pengundi di DUN Batang Kali Rosli Nawawi, 58, berkata: “Saya sebenarnya tidak kisah untuk pilih siapa yang penting calon itu adalah orang Melayu.”

“Jadi sekarang saya akan memberikan sokongan kepada PKR kerana selain faktor calon itu Melayu saya lihat beliau mempunyai potensi untuk menjadi wakil rakyat yang berwibawa,” katanya.

Seorang lagi calon, Shamsuddin Salleh, 70 pula memberitahu, “saya lihat Kamalanathan mempunyai aura yang begitu tinggi sekali kerana beliau seorang anak muda yang bersemangat.”

“Beliau juga seorang yang berpendidikan tinggi serta berkebolehan bercakap dengan baik dalam bahasa Melayu.

“Tidak salah sekiranya beliau diberikan satu peluang untuk membuktikan bahawa beliau mampu membawa perubahan kepada Hulu Selangor,” katanya.

Selvan Nagapan, 35, juga dari Batang Kali berkata, “sudah tentu saya akan memberikan sokongan kepada PKR kerana parti itu telah banyak membantu pengundi-pengundi di sini.”

“Walaupun baru dua tahun memerintah tetapi mereka telah membuktikan bahawa mereka juga mampu memberikan yang terbaik kepada rakyat,” katanya.

Pengundi Parabha Hoiti, 60, juga dari Batang Kali pula memberitahu, sebelum ini dia memang sokong BN tapi kini saya akan menyokong PKR pula kerana mereka lebih peka dengan masalah rakyat berbanding BN.”

Dalam pada itu, pengundi di DUN Kuala Kubu Baru, Lechuman Mariapan, 50, yang akan mengundi kali ketiga berkata, “bagi saya sebagai rakyat sudah menjadi kewajiban untuk mengundi bagi memilih calon yang akan mewakili rakyat.

“Oleh itu, saya memberikan sokongan PKR kerana sepanjang dua tahun memerintah Selangor banyak perubahan telah dilakukan.

“Jadi apa salahnya sekiranya memberikan satu lagi peluang kepada mereka,” katanya.

Ahchoon, 48, juga dari kawasan yang sama memberitahu, “dulu saya sokong BN tapi kini PKR kerana yakin dengan kepimpinan PKR yang dapat menyelesaikan masalah rakyat selain membawa perubahan besar.”

Ganesan Muhisamy, 54, berpendapat, “sepanjang dua tahun memerintah Selangor, PKR telah banyak membantu masalah rakyat selain banyak perubahan dilakukan.”

“Saya melihat calon PKR adalah seorang individu yang boleh buat kerja selain peka dengan masalah rakyat,” katanya.

Pun begitu, Wong Swee Choy, 48, mempunyai pandangan yang berlainan.

“Saya berfikiran ringkas, saya pilih pemimpin yang dapat member bantuan kepada kita.

“Dulu saya ahli PKR, tetapi disebabkan saya tidak diberi layanan yang baik ke atas usaha yang saya sumbangkan, saya keluarlah parti.

“Sekarang, saya sokong BN sebab saya terima bantuan mereka dan mereka memberi elaun bulanan kepada saya,” katanya.

Salah seorang pengundi di Hulu Bernam, Abdullah Mahmud, 73, berkata, “saya sudah lama sokong BN dan sudah pasti akan mengundi untuk mereka esok.”

“Lagipun calon yang dipilih memang bagus dan juga berpendidikan tinggi,” katanya.

Rosnani Sarip, 38, memberitahu, “sejak dulu saya memang sokong BN kerana mereka telah lakukan banyak perubahan kepada rakyat dan negara.

“PKR masih baru dan saya lihat mereka tidak berkemampuan untuk memimpin negara berbanding BN,” katanya.

Seorang pengundi muda, Nurul Salwa Ibrahim, 28, akan memberi peluang kepada PKR untuk membuktikan bahawa mereka mampu membawa satu perubahan yang besar kepada rakyat.

“Selain itu, sejak memerintah dua tahun lalu PKR telah melakukan banyak perkara untuk rakyat,” katanya.