Can the three of you work for all Malaysians and set your fight for Article 8 for Indian-only mentality aside? There are many of my Malay and Chinese friends who share the same struggle. But when people like you fight for a single race cause, they too will fight for theirs.
By Babulal
Dear Naragan, Shan, N. Ganesan and Frens,
I would like to take a moment of your precious time to hear what some of the more broadminded Indians' opinions are of the rebuttal of your response to RPK's article "I am part Orang Asli and Proud of It". In a way, I am fully in agreement with RPK's statements - and if you look at it from a wide spectrum, I hope you would agree with me as well.
No doubt I could feel the emotion in your articles and press statement, but it lacks any substance to resolve a national issue of this magnitude. Probably RPK's statements would provide a speed breaker to some emails we Indians have been receiving which were too race-centered and too narrow minded, esspecially echoing the call by Samy to please select another Indian representative to make it 4 representatives in Parliament - frankly it sounded more like him begging - utter shameless individual.
This is the very person who is the architect of the Malaysian Indians' blurred and uncertain future in this country and yet he could face the people and request his appointed representative be elected. What a mockery. And it is a strategy of Samy leveraging on the Malaysian Mudah Lupa attitude.
Another individual who has no backbone is Subra, who does not have a stance or any calibre to lead. Samy has promised change after 0308, but yet in the last MIC election, the results were "democratically" fixed - where the President lobbies for his "dream team" who are a bunch of maggots who can hardly speak proper Bahasa Malaysia and with any leadership skills.
With almost 30 years in the Malaysian mainstream politics, their President is yet to speak fluent Bahasa - what a shame. Will he be less Indian by speaking better Bahasa Malaysia? Malaysians need to wake up from BN's political game. MIC has failed Hulu Selangor, and they have failed miserably. Our marble playing Palani has had his opportunity for 4 terms and we need a change.
May I ask, why do you want another Indian rep? To sell we Indians all over again? I declare this, me Babulal, a Malaysian First, votes for Zaid Ibrahim and I am sure he will walk the talk and I don't care if his ethnicity is not the same as mine.
The facts and contents of RPK's statements have been twisted to suit the narrow objectives of the trio's self-centred ideology - let me tell you guys this, you do not represent the majority of Indians who want change in the system, nor do you represent the vast sidelined and discriminated people of Malaysia. Just like RPK said, I am also too fed-up of these racist Indians, fed-up of racist Malays like in Perkasa, fed-up of racist Chinese...... I want Pure Malaysians and will it be Zaid Ibrahim to lead us, would it be Zaid Ibrahim to be the first elected representative to denounce I am my race first, by declaring I am Malaysian First? I have full faith that he will. All kudos to DSAI for his selection.
I am beginning to wonder if the three of you are on the payroll of UMNO and MIC. You have swayed from the original fight of liberation from the discriminatory system. But this seem to have been set aside - in-fighting for power and control seem to be prioritised. Your splinter, MMSP launched by the PM, and don't you think we the Malaysian Gen-X and Gen-Y know what the PM and his wife are up to?
Can the three of you work for all Malaysians and set your fight for Article 8 for Indian-only mentality aside? There are many of my Malay and Chinese friends who share the same struggle. But when people like you fight for a single race cause, they too will fight for theirs. This is a simple survival quest - and you should understand that. This would, of course, fall on deaf ears if you have already been promised some huge payouts just to break up the struggle from within and sway the entire projection to racial issues - it is typical BN methodology.
About the case of the two suspected Indian criminal youths being shot dead recently whose father is an MIC branch Chairman. Ain't it a bit ironic when even MIC did not make much complaints about two of their own who were gunned down and yet you wanted RPK to make some statements?? Are you for real or just trying to stir up racial emotions? What is your struggle? To fight equality based on Article 8 or fight justice for repeat offenders/criminals with not only 1 previous convictions but multiple - they were collecting the number of convictions like some trophies - and you have brought this pure struggle of equality to fight for these "champions".
Why don't you request RPK or PR to build a monument for them? Would that now be appropriate? Don't they gun down criminals in India or anywhere else in this world? What is so special about Indian criminals in Malaysia? I have read on many occasions that even suspected Malay and Chinese criminals had been shot dead previously. I am aware that one is innocent until proven guilty in the court of law, but with MIC backing, it won't be long before they are back on the streets taunting innocent victims again. Face it, they are not going to be missed by peace loving Malaysians.
Lastly, I wish for the HINDRAF bickering to stop and the call to elect representatives of a particular race to end. I am fed up of racism and discrimination policies and yet some fools are sending emails requesting to choose a candidate from a particular race. Wake up and see the world.
HINDRAF stands for Hindu Rights Action Force but it does not stand nor preach the Hindu belief - in Bhagavad Gita (the spiritual scripture) - Lord Krsna says to Arjuna "that I am not this body, I am soul. Everyone is not this body. He's soul. So on the annihilation of this body...on the annihilation of the body the soul will exist". If you understand this that I am not this body but the soul, then you would see that everyone is equal, not the colour, creed, race and religion of a person - judge them by their stance. So I urge you to stop the propagation of disunity and racial intolerance but to act and fight as one - you stop, they will too.
I have questions for Samy & Gang. Answer all the scandals in MAIKA, AIMST, MIED .... I can go on and on and on .... I am sure that the MIC representative will lose on a bigger majority this time, and this person will be the scapegoat or the President's fall guy. This old man looks so haggard and yet he is so power crazy to stay on. He is flanked by thugs all the time, especially those driving around with 1818 number plates. All those with this number are of his clan and the lavish cars are the symbol of their ill-gotten gains. Just check them out in the election campaign trail and you will see it for yourself.
In my next article I will be talking about a maggot called Nallakarupan - another self-centred Indian who went on to form a party and is just too syok sendiri that he can be President. Does he have the calibre to lead? He speaks worse than my patti (grandmother) and from it we know his intellectual level - a champion of the Indian cause and he wants to save us from DSAI - I nicknamed him karuppu pandi - black pig.
I am Not This Body, I am The Soul
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